Impact of poverty and child labor on the economic growth of Afghanistan


  • Ihsanullah Shorish Khurasan University


Poverty, Child labor, OLS, Afghanistan


The paper explores the impact of poverty and child labor on the economic growth of Afghanistan. For this study, secondary data is used. The data included in this paper is from 1998 till 2016. Ordinary least square (OLS) estimation technique is used for the estimation of data. The result acquired from the study concludes that the poverty has negative impact on economic growth of a country. Similarly, unemployment also has negative impact on economic growth of a country. Increase in poverty and unemployment world decline economic growth. Inflation has positive impact on economic growth of a country. Exports and child labor also has positive impact on economic growth of a country. Increase in exports and child labor cause economic growth of a country. Finally, we conclude that poverty and unemployment has negative while child labor, inflation and exports has positive impact on the economic growth of a country.



How to Cite

Ihsanullah Shorish. (2024). Impact of poverty and child labor on the economic growth of Afghanistan. Khurasan University Business Administration Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from